When I found out that I needed to make a “man’s” layout, I didn’t even choose another photo. The husband, of course, at first was against: “What kind of photograph did you choose ?!” But he was pleased with the result. The style was also chosen unconditionally – Steampunk.

In the photo, my husband is in a protective helmet for welding, with a grinder in one hand and an apparatus for welding in the other. In this outfit, he helped his dad make a fence for the garden. I chose the appropriate paper – Graphic 45, so I did not have to think a lot about jewelry, I added only a little metal – part of the watch, brads-screws, photo holders and a button.

The inscription was made with white acrylic paint using stamps.

I created the gears on my husband’s body in Photoshop, printed a photo, and cut it out. Here is the Steampunk debutant 🙂