DIY Advent Calendar Made from Upcycled Kitchen Roll Tubes
Advent calendar made from upcycled kitchen roll tubes in the shape of Christmas tree is one of easiest one.  Our daughter loves to open rolls one by one every morning. But it’s harder this year, she has a lot of questions. In the kindergarten the half of our group believes in Santa and the other don’t. Any way, Lera knows that I make all those advent calendars. But who puts little presents in it? Lera: “Santa or Saint Nicolas?” – “May be fairies?” – “Nah, not fairies. Mummy, I think elves” – “May be Bunny?” – “Bunny brings eggs on Easter”. I said to her last morning: “Now it’s empty and every night a little present appears in one of the tubes. You wake up in the morning and it’s there already.” When I came to the kindergarten to take her home last night, she asked: “Mummy, can I shake it?”  ))) I decided to show her a pict of the unfinished empty calendar on my phone )) And she believed. Today we’re going to decorate our Christmas tree and write a letter to Santa.
DIY Advent Calendar Made from Upcycled Kitchen Roll Tubes
DIY Advent Calendar Made from Toilet paper Tubes


This is how you can make tiny gift boxes and decorate the calendar with them.

DIY Advent Calendar from toilet paper rolls

 I used tissue paper circles and printed numbers to make paper roll covers.
You can download the countdown labels here. 



And here is the result with one roll already opened 🙂

DIY Advent Calendar Made from Upcycled Kitchen Roll Tubes



I wish you a happy advent time!
