I’m in lack of jumping smile here, it’s almost the end of the wanttosleepandhavenomood week. It was so calm and peaceful on Samui and it’s so gloomily and sad here in Kyiv. I need to write a special post about our trip, there is a lot to tell and show 🙂 Well and now the latest LO which I also made before our departure.Â
Well, actually, why did I create a post today – to show a page about Lerusik. In terms of female stuff, she is my sister’s spilled image)). I remember my mother’s phrase: “Tanya, you’re a girl!” in fact, you can not describe me further)) and so everything is clear.

And at last a few pictures from ThailandÂ

Tomorrow is my blogoversary so don’t forget to come back 🙂