Hi everyone! At first, I want to say some words about the cartoon “Rio”  – I love it and not because it’s so beautifully made but because it makes me feel nostalgic for capoeira, training, samba, Portuguese, merry traveling at capoeira workshops… So yesterday I wanted to watch “Rio” again and to paint at the same time. So in the end, I made a new ATC set.


Now I will show what preceded this ATC series. A month ago I bought watercolor pencils and paper. Made a notebook out of paper.
For more than a year I had a water brush idle, and now its hour has come – for watercolor pencils this is a thing! For the first time, I drew with aqua pencils. I decided to practice first on the Prima sheet from the old collection.
And this is the first page of my art magazine. She was inspired, of course, by the cartoon “Rio”, it is noticeable in the colors. In the last minutes of the cartoon, my muse decided to stay and we continued to draw on ATC.


Have a good week start 🙂